Places of interest
Here you will find an overview of some places of interest in the area. Extensive information about these sights and even more options for excursions are available at our reception.

Nature lovers came to the right place due to the abundant wildlife in the region.
Go visit the river Zêzere. The watershed of this healing river has an impressive landscape and lovely places to go for a swim. One of these places is the nearby reservoir of Cabril. The small Ribeira de Pêra which flows right through Castanheira de Pera, has countless deserted, fairylike places to go for a swim.
In het nabijgelegen, bergachtige natuurgebied Serra da Lousã vind je charmante dorpjes van leisteen (Aldeias de Xisto). Het gesteente dat zo typerend is voor deze omgeving. Er lopen vele paden door dit gebied die wachten om ontdekt worden.
De Serra da Estrela ligt iets verder weg en hier bevindt zich de hoogste berg van Portugal, welke 1991 meter boven het landschap uit torent. Het landschap is ronduit ruig en indrukwekkend. Anders dan in de noordelijke helft van Europa bestaan de bergen in de Serra da Estrela veelal uit graniet.
Dit is slechts een kleine selectie uit de vele mogelijkheden die deze haast onontdekte streek van Portugal te bieden heeft.

A number of lovely cities is to be found in the proximity of our camping. The sights are diverse and the shops seemingly endless.
This bustling city is situated just 30 minutes from Quinta do Castanheiro. Besides its numerous sights, this city offers a great deal of shopping pleasure. The city centre is lively and houses several shopping malls.
Just 20 minutes from our camping you’ll find Pombal. It offers plenty of supermarkets, fresh markets and a great variety of shopping malls.
A day trip to Lisbon surely is one of the many possibilities. Portugal’s capital is a lively city with plenty of sights, beaches and shops. Go and explore the city while being in a double-decker bus!

In and around Castanheira de Pera many rivers and lakes are to be found. Here you can enjoy the water and the beaches.
For those who prefer the ‘real’ beach, the seacoast is within reach. The beaches of Aveiro, Figueira da Foz and Praia de Mira are just an hours drive away from Castanheira de Pêra.